The Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra is incredibly proud to house the Australian Conducting Academy in partnership with the professional symphony orchestras of Australia. By coming together as a network, all orchestras are making a contribution to increasing podium contact hours and providing a broad experience of professional conducting. The program director is Johannes Fritzsch, Principal Conductor of the QSO and Principal Guest Conductor of the TSO.

The expansion of the Australian Conducting Academy has been made possible by the support of the Ian Potter Foundation, which shares the orchestras’ collective vision of creating clear professional pathways for musicians aiming to conduct our professional companies. “A measure of our success will be the number of Australian conductors standing on our podiums and those across the world in years to come”, says TSO’s Chief Executive Officer, Caroline Sharpen.
The Australian Conducting Academy presents a unique opportunity for aspiring conductors from Australia and New Zealand to learn from experienced orchestral leaders and to have the chance to work with all major orchestras in our part of the world. In addition to Fritzsch, mentors will include other renowned Australian and international maestros including Chief Conductors of some of the symphony orchestras. Participants will receive a stipend, travel/accommodation and substantial podium time with professional Australian orchestras.
In a true collaboration, Australia’s six symphony orchestras and Orchestra Victoria have committed to providing orchestral time, world class mentors and all of the artistic and administrative support required to nurture emerging conducting talent. TSO has provided leadership through securing funding and coordinating the expanded Academy, which builds on a pre-existing training program already hosted in Tasmania.